
ウクライナの動物園に関するEAZAの最新情報 (6月3日)/EAZA Update on Ukrainian zoos





EAZA Update on Ukrainian zoos/ウクライナの動物園に関するEAZAの最新情報

Amsterdam 3 June 2022: More than three months on from the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the situation for zoos in the country continues to be mixed. While some zoos are able to receive visitors and therefore earn income to support the care of their animals, they are not yet able to be self-sufficient again. Additionally, while Russian forces have been beaten back in many areas, they still continue to bombard Ukrainian cities, and the danger of such an attack is still very real in all cities.


Ukrainian zoos expect that the war will not be over any time soon. This means that they are currently seeking the supplies to help them continue to survive and care for their animals based on continued threats until at least the end of the year. These items continue to be expensive and in short supply and must be secured well in advance of the autumn and winter, without depriving local people or disrupting the war effort. While EAZA Members and other zoos have been able to provide deliveries of food and medicine, Ukrainian zoos also need funds to help them to secure supplies locally.


The EAZA Emergency Fund for Ukrainian Zoos continues to help zoos and aquariums in the country to cover their expenses, which are primarily in animal feed and utility costs such as electricity, fuel and water. The total collected so far from over 130 institutional and 11,000 private donors now stands at €1,324,884, and funds have been provided to nearly 20 institutions. While this total is extraordinary and unprecedented for EAZA fundraising, we believe that the assessment of the zoos is correct: the war is likely to continue for some time, and there is a continued need for funds to be collected to support the zoos and the animals in their care.

ウクライナ動物園のためのEAZA緊急基金は、ウクライナ国内の動物園と水族館がその費用を賄えるように引き続き支援しています。それらは主に動物の飼料と、電気、燃料、水などの光熱費です。今までに130を超える機関/団体および11,000の民間ドナーから収集された寄付金の合計は、現在 1,324,884ユーロ(約1億8800万円)で、それらの資金は約20の機関/団体に提供されています。この合計は、EAZAの資金調達の中でも並外れていてまた前例のないほどのものですが、我々は動物園の判断が正しいと信じています…戦争はしばらく続く可能性があり、動物園とケアの必要な動物達のサポートのために、継続的な資金の収集が必要とされていると。

On behalf of our colleagues in Ukraine, we thank everyone who has so far donated to the fund, and ask institutions and members of the public to consider donating to the fund. You can find details of how to contribute at

